
Class Assignment May 7, 2013

We were asked to shoot an apple. Not a grouping, just one. Could be any color. Any backdrop. Vague assignments are hard for me. I like having specifics. So, I did what any good student would do. I drove around with an apple in my car for several days. If I saw something, I'd shoot it. These didn't compare to the shots taken by a guy with a camera bag full of lenses, but my apple and I did OK. Now, keep in mind these are low resolution copies for the internet.

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...

Three years is a long time to go without blogging. I don't know. Do people even really blog anymore or is that so "last decade"? The saying "last decade" is probably last decade, too. What do I know? I'm sure my kids will tell me.

I wish I'd been blogging about our adventure in the last year, or really two for that matter. Lost my grandma. Enrolled kids in public school after homeschooling forever. Nearly lost my dad. Mike lost his job. Mike walks away from rolling his SUV. We move to Dallas. These are just the highlights. Had I been blogging faithfully, you'd have a lot more details than you could ever want. But for now, we'll talk about the move.

We are approaching six months of living in McKinney, Texas. For the most part, things have gone better than I could imagine. We sold our KC house in two months (much better than 6 months and 90 showings like last time!). The actual move was beautiful - a piece of cake. Really, I'm not kidding. It's amazing how stress-free moving can be when your new employer hires a professional moving company.

I'd say the kids are pretty much settled in their new schools. I am so proud of how they all jumped in mid-year. Their grades are great, and they have all tackled the dreaded STAAR test with success. Our new neighborhood has TONS of kids. Did I mention how many kids there are? Any given day, we will have 10 or more kids hanging out in our garage or driveway. "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore..."

Don't get me wrong. We've had our bumps along the way, including several tears and slamming doors. One child was particularly obstinate just the other day about trying a new church. I totally understand not wanting to be the new kid...AGAIN. But I'm proud of this kid for going, and more importantly for admitting later that this church might be a better fit for our family.

Why a picture of a rainbow? We have had a lot of rainbow moments. I can think of a particularly difficult argument with a child, and when the kid stomped off and slammed the door, everything in me wanted to go retreat to my room, thankful for a break from the heated argument. But then that still small voice urged me to go upstairs. Then it urged me to knock on the bedroom door...to go to the child's bed and hold her. It wasn't immediately, but eventually I could feel her relax. The tears ceased and before we knew it we were laughing about something. A rainbow moment.


Out of the Ashes

{Trials and a Refining Fire}

Why is it the hardest lessons to be learned are often the most painful? I've had a difficult week with the kids this week. Attitudes have been crummy, especially when it comes to doing schoolwork. We had a particular difficult day Tuesday when I gave Lesa and Selah a writing assignment. I was amazed at the reaction I received. Let's just say it wasn't pretty.

Stop. Rewind a few days to when I started reading Kevin Leman's book, "How to Have a New Kid by Friday." My eyes have been opened to the many ways I've failed in the game of parenting. Don't get me wrong. They're good kids. But attitudes have been creeping in slowly, and bringing with it a bit of disrespect, grumpiness, etc... We really want to direct their heart toward a healthy relationship with the Lord, us and each other, and we can see that we're drifting off the side of the road, ever so subtly.

So, after everyone had calmed down after the meltdown, I let them know I didn't appreciate the way they spoke to me and the fact that they disobeyed a simple assignment. As a consequence they lost electronics privileges for a week - no tv, DSi, computer, movies, etc.

Now fast forward to today. Kira had a couple girls over for a sleepover for her birthday. When it came time to watch a movie, Lesa and Selah were shocked that I wasn't going to allow them to watch the movie. I let them cry it out, when all I really wanted to do was let them come up and watch the movie. Thankfully I stuck it out, because if I hadn't, I would have missed a beautiful moment with Selah. She had been the most vocal. I told her I would come talk to her when she was done crying. She called me to the room, and I asked her if she understood why I couldn't let her watch the movie. She began to get upset again, so I quietly left the room, saying I'd come back when she was ready to talk. (Just know, inside I wanted to address every comment she made about it not being fair and how mean it is that I wouldn't let them watch it "just this once.")

When she had calmed down I went back to talk to her, and she said, "I just can't do it how you want."
"What do you mean, Selah?" I asked.
"Mom, I try to not get upset, and mad, and I even pray that God will help me not get upset..." she said.

That's when I started crying and knelt down in front of her.

"Selah," I said, "that's exactly what I want to hear you say. I never thought to pray about stuff like this when I was your age. It makes me so proud of you to hear you say that."

And that was the little sprout of something beautiful that can grow out of the ashes.


The Sun Will Come Out...Tomorrow

We've become quite familiar with this phrase. First, it has been raining almost non-stop here for, like, ever. So, we really are waiting for the sun to come out tomorrow.

Second, Lesa tried out for Annie back in January. We were so excited when she got a call back. We waited for what seemed like forever, and finally got the Email with the cast list. There was her name toward the bottom...Hooverville Chorus. Let me just say that this mom had a really hard time when she later found her daughter crying in her room. Nothing breaks your heart more than to see your child disappointed and hurting and there's not a thing you can do about it.

The Sun Will Come Out...Tomorrow.

And it did. She had fun going to all the practices. She sang her heart out, and thanks to Grandma Meyer's costume, she was one of the prettiest "bums" on the stage.

Spring is Here

Science up close.

A robin decided to build its nest right here on our deck. And, within a couple of days two eggs appeared in it. Since it's right by our dining room (where we do school), we've had to set up some rules. The blinds stay closed halfway so we don't constantly interrupt the bird and make her fly away. If you want to look at the bird, you can't move the blinds, just crouch down low and peek as quietly as you can. And, definitely no touching the nest or anywhere near the nest.

Oh, by the way, they've named the bird - Meep.